@conference{Muxika-2023-2075381, author = {Muxika, I and Vinagre, P and Le Bouhris, E and VillarĂ­n, E and Tanguy, F and Niclot, C and Bald, J}, title = {Assessing the effect of onshore and offshore Wave Energy Converters on seafloor integrity combining image-based and acoustic methods}, year = {2023}, month = {sep}, series = {15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023)}, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, doi = {10.36688/ewtec-2023-374}, url = {https://submissions.ewtec.org/proc-ewtec/article/view/374}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave, Habitat Change}, }