@article{Schwemmer-2023-2074898, author = {Schwemmer, P and Pederson, R and Haecker, K and Bocher, P and Fort, J and Mercker, M and Jiguet, F and Elts, J and Marja, R and Piha, M and Rousseau, P and Garthe, S}, title = {Assessing potential conflicts between offshore wind farms and migration patterns of a threatened shorebird species}, journal = {Animal Conservation}, year = {2023}, month = {jun}, publisher = {Zoological Society of London}, volume = {26}, number = {3}, pages = {303--316}, doi = {10.1111/acv.12817}, url = {https://zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/acv.12817}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Collision, Birds, Shorebirds, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning}, }