@techreport{Royle-2015-2074594, author = {Royle, L and Rei, C}, title = {Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm & Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Protocol for mitigating the risk of instantaneous death or injury to marine mammals during piling at the Beatrice and Moray East Wind Farms}, institution = {Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited}, year = {2015}, month = {oct}, number = {BOWL: LF000005‐REP‐679 / MORL: 8460001‐PCA0010‐MOR‐REP‐010}, address = {Scotland, UK}, url = {https://marine.gov.scot/data/mfrag-marine-mammals-beatrice-offshore-wind-farm-moray-east-offshore-windfarm-protocol}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Marine Mammals}, }