@techreport{Bos-2023-2074440, author = {Bos, O and Kamermans, P and Tonk, L and Schutter, M and Maathuis, M and van Gool, A and van der Have, T and Bergsma, J and Raaijmakers, T and van Duren, L and Emmanouil, A and Gerritsma, I and Kleissen, F and Sas, H}, title = {Eco-friendly reef restoration pilots in offshore wind farms}, institution = {Wageningen University and Research Centre}, year = {2023}, month = {jun}, number = {C032/23}, address = {Den Helder, Netherlands}, doi = {10.18174/632058}, url = {https://research.wur.nl/en/publications/eco-friendly-reef-restoration-pilots-in-offshore-wind-farms-repor}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions}, }