@techreport{Bailey-2018-2074346, author = {Bailey, H and Rice, A and Wingfield, J and Hodge, K and Estabrook, B and Hawthorne, D and Garrod, A and Fandel, A and Fouda, L and McDonald, E and Grzyb, E and Fletcher, W and Hoover, A}, title = {Determining Habitat Use by Marine Mammals and Ambient Noise Levels Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring Offshore of Maryland}, institution = {University of Maryland}, year = {2018}, month = {nov}, number = {BOEM 2019-018 }, address = {Cambridge, Maryland (US)}, url = {https://espis.boem.gov/Final%20Reports/BOEM_2019-018.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind, Noise, Marine Mammals}, }