@article{Allen-Jacobson-2023-2073832, author = {Allen-Jacobson, L and Jones, A and Mercer, A and Cadrin, S and Galuardi, B and Christel, D and Silva, A and Lipsky, A and Haugen, S}, title = {Evaluating Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Development on Fishing Operations by Comparing Fine- and Coarse-Scale Fishery-Dependent Data}, journal = {Marine and Coastal Fisheries}, year = {2023}, month = {feb}, publisher = {American Fisheries Society}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {10233}, doi = {10.1002/mcf2.10233}, url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mcf2.10233}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Marine Spatial Planning}, }