@article{Friedland-2023-2073826, author = {Friedland, K and Adams, E and Goetsch, C and Gulka, J and Brady, D and Rzeszowski, E and Crear, D and Gaichas, S and Gill, A and McManus, M and Methratta, E and Morano, J and Staudinger, M}, title = {Forage Fish Species Prefer Habitat within Designated Offshore Wind Energy Areas in the U.S. Northeast Shelf Ecosystem}, journal = {Marine and Coastal Fisheries}, year = {2023}, month = {apr}, publisher = {American Fisheries Society}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {10230}, doi = {10.1002/mcf2.10230}, url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mcf2.10230}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries}, }