@techreport{Tjornlov-2023-2073580, author = {Tjørnløv, R and Skov, H and Armitage, M and Barker, M and Jørgensen, J and Mortensen, L and Thomas, K and Uhrenholdt, T}, title = {Resolving Key Uncertainties of Seabird Flight and Avoidance Behaviours at Offshore Wind Farms: Final Report for the study period 2020-2021}, institution = {Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI)}, year = {2023}, month = {feb}, url = {https://group.vattenfall.com/uk/contentassets/1b23f720f2694bd1906c007effe2c85a/aowfl_aberdeen_seabird_study_final_report_20_february_2023.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Avoidance, Birds, Seabirds}, }