@techreport{Diederichs-2014-2073511, author = {Diederichs, A and Rose, A and Nehls, G and Brandt, M and Witte, S and Höschle, C and Dorsch,M and Liesenjohann, T and Schubert, A and Kosarev, V and Laczny, M and Hill, A and Piper, W}, title = {Offshore Test Site Alpha Ventus Expert Report: Marine Mammals (Final Report: from baseline to windfarm operation)}, institution = {BioConsult SH}, year = {2014}, month = {feb}, address = {Germany}, url = {https://bioconsult-sh.de/site/assets/files/1313/1313.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Avoidance, Birds, Marine Mammals}, }