@article{Bernard-2017-2007, author = {Bernard, E and Pereira, M and Barros, M and Chaves, T and Rui, A and Dotto, J and Braun, A and Barbosa, J and Aguiar, L and Kindel, A and Sana, D}, title = {Guidelines for Consideration of Bats in Environmental Impact Assessment of Wind Farms in Brazil: A Collaborative Governance Experience from Rio Grande Do Sul State}, journal = {Oecologia Australis}, year = {2017}, month = {jan}, publisher = {Oecologia Australis}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {232--255}, doi = {10.4257/oeco.2017.2103.02}, url = {https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/oa/article/view/13817}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Bats, Human Dimensions}, }