@techreport{Galparsoro-2022-1879351, author = {Galparsoro, I and Mandiola, G and Gariner, R and de Santiago, I and VillarĂ­n, E and Iglesias, G and Machado, I and Soulard, T and Bourhis, E and Zubiate, L and Menchaca, I and Bald, J}, title = {Development of a model for the identification of suitable areas for the development of wave energy projects in the European Atlantic region in the context of maritime spatial planning and its implementation into a Decision Support Tool}, institution = {AZTI}, year = {2022}, month = {oct}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364293834_Development_of_a_model_for_the_identification_of_suitable_areas_for_the_development_of_wave_energy_projects_in_the_European_Atlantic_region_in_the_context_of_maritime_spatial_planning_and_its_implemen}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning}, }