@techreport{Adams-2022-1843681, author = {Adams, W and Benner, J and Cornett, T and Cornwell, J and Del Mar, R and Euen, E and Esterson, S and Farmer, T and Gaines, L and Greene, K and Jinings, J and Kagan, J and Kalez, J and Lanier, A and McCune, M and Peacher, K and Radcliffe, K and Reichers, J and Rempel, M and Sadhir, R and Salwasser, J and Schoepflin, T and Senner, J and Sierman, J and Smith, R and Smith, R and Thompson, G and Woods, M}, title = {2022 Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment}, institution = {Oregon Department of Energy}, year = {2022}, month = {jun}, url = {https://www.oregon.gov/energy/energy-oregon/Documents/ORESA-Report.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Human Dimensions}, }