@techreport{Ruiz-Minguela-2022-1811443, author = {Ruiz-Minguela, P and Villate, J and Uriarte, X and Grispiani, L}, title = {A study into the potential social value offered to Europe from the development and deployment of wave and tidal energy to 2050}, institution = {Tecnalia}, year = {2022}, month = {jun}, number = {Deliverable 3.4}, address = {Brussels, Belgium}, url = {https://www.etipocean.eu/knowledge_hub/a-study-into-the-potential-social-value-offered-to-europe-from-the-development-and-deployment-of-wave-and-tidal-energy-to-2050/}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data}, }