@techreport{Blakeslee-2017-1763, author = {Blakeslee, S and Toman, W and Willaims, R and Davy, D and West, A and Connet, R and Thompson, J and Dolan, D and Baltimore, C and Jacobson, P and Hagerman, G and Potter, C and Dooher, B and Wendt, D and Sheppard, C and Harris, A and Lawson, W}, title = {Final Report Feasibility Study for the California Wave Energy Test Center (CalWave) Volume 1}, institution = {California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo)}, year = {2017}, month = {jul}, number = {DOE-CP-0006517}, url = {https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1406134-final-report-feasibility-study-california-wave-energy-test-center-calwavesm}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave}, }