@article{Halpern-2008-1568288, author = {Halpern, B and Walbridge, S and Selkoe, K and Kappel, C and Micheli, F and D'agrosa, C and Bruno, J and Casey, K and Ebert, C and Fox, H and Fujita, R and Heinemann, D and Lenihan, H and Madin, E and Perry, M and Selig, E and Spalding, M and Steneck, R and Watson, R}, title = {A Global Map of Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems}, journal = {Science}, year = {2008}, month = {feb}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, volume = {319}, number = {5865}, pages = {948--952}, doi = {10.1126/science.1149345}, url = {https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1149345}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Human Dimensions}, }