@techreport{Johnson-2021-1546788, author = {Johnson, T and van Berkel, J and Mortensen, L and Bell, M and Tiong, I and Hernandez, B and Snyder, D and Thomsen, F and Petersen, O}, title = {Hydrodynamic Modeling, Particle Tracking and Agent-Based Modeling of Larvae in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight}, institution = {DHI Water & Environment, Inc.}, year = {2021}, month = {jun}, number = {BOEM 2021-049}, address = {Lakewood, Colorado (USA)}, url = {https://espis.boem.gov/final%20reports/BOEM_2021-049.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Habitat Change, Fish, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Fisheries, Marine Spatial Planning}, }