@techreport{Gordon-2011-1345, author = {Gordon, J and Thompson, D and Leaper, R and Gillespie, D and Pierpoint, C and Calderan, S and Macaulay, J and Gordon, T}, title = {Assessment of Risk to Marine Mammals from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters: Phase 2 - Studies of Marine Mammals in Welsh High Tidal Waters}, institution = {Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)}, year = {2011}, month = {mar}, number = {JER3688}, url = {http://www.marineenergywales.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Resources2fDocuments2fSPP-and-Public-Documents2fPublic-Resources2fStage-22fMRESF-Stage-2-Phase-2-Studies-of-Marine-Mammals-in-Welsh-High-Tidal-Energy-Waters-Mar-2011.pdf}, keywords = {Tidal, Marine Energy, Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans}, }