@article{Ivanov-2021-1330757, author = {Ivanov, E and Capet, A and Borger, E and Degraer, S and Delhez, E and Soetaert, K and Vanaverbeke, J and Grégoire, M}, title = {Offshore Wind Farm Footprint on Organic and Mineral Particle Flux to the Bottom}, journal = {Frontiers in Marine Science}, year = {2021}, month = {jun}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, volume = {8}, pages = {631799}, doi = {10.3389/fmars.2021.631799}, url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.631799/full}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Changes in Flow, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport}, }