@article{Southall-2019-1096, author = {Southall, B and Finneran, J and Reichmuth, C and Nachtigall, P and Ketten, D and Bowles, A and Ellison, W and Nowacek, D and Tyack, P}, title = {Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Updated Scientific Recommendations for Residual Hearing Effects}, journal = {Aquatic Mammals}, year = {2019}, month = {mar}, publisher = {MinuteMan Press}, volume = {45}, number = {2}, pages = {125--232}, doi = {10.1578/AM.45.2.2019.125}, url = {https://www.aquaticmammalsjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/45_2_southall.pdf}, keywords = {Noise, Marine Mammals}, }