@techreport{Demer-2017-105494, author = {Demer, D and Andersen, L and Bassett, C and Berger, L and Chu, D and Condiotty, J and Cutter, G and Hutton, B and Korneliussen, R and Le Bouffant, N and Macaulay, G and Michaels, W and Murfin, D and Pobitzer, A and Renfree, J and Sessions, T and Stierhoff, K and Thompson, C}, title = {Evaluation of a wideband echosounder for fisheries and marine ecosystem science}, institution = {International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)}, year = {2017}, month = {apr}, number = {336}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315827612_Evaluation_of_a_wideband_echosounder_for_fisheries_and_marine_ecosystem_science}, keywords = {Fish}, }